Low level light therapy (LLLT) has been used as a healing practice in veterinary medicine for decades, but you’ve probably never even heard of it. I had heard a few whispers about the treatment method, but didn’t know much about it until an email from a company called LumaSoothe crossed my desk. They’ve created a handheld LLLT device that pet owners can use to treat their pets at home.

Of course, this piqued my interest and I started doing some research on the subject. I was inspired by what I was reading, so I decided to reach out to the CEO of LumaSoothe, Mr. Craig Froley, to talk more about the concept. In this week’s podcast, Craig tells us all of the details about light therapy for pets and his company’s unique device.

What are the benefits of light therapy? Does it work for all pets? Is it only useful for senior animals? You might be surprised to find out just how beneficial this treatment option is for pets of all sizes and shapes. Whether you’re pet is active in competitions or a mellow senior with arthritis, LLLT can have a positive effect on his health. Craig tells us all about this innovative technology in this week’s podcast!