Show introduction.
Summary of show's topics, along with an interrupted discussion on binary, decimal, and sexagesimal counting systems.

One-hit wonders.
You manifest your worldview.
A song sung by Mor-Ez and Vir-jinE-ah on how our psychological worldview intersects with our physical geographies.

What's happening?
Experiential horizons and their worldviews.
Worlds, horizons and worldviews are described, and utilized to introduce the way that our habits and habitats shape our understanding of common sense, and practical guidance on how to increase perspective sharing. Along the way, Martin Heidegger's notion of horizon, and Pierre Bourdieu's habitus and doxa are also described.

Experience this!
47.305067, -122.521621
Practice phenomenology on the sounds from geographic locations throughout Washington State. This segment comes from 47.305067, -122.521621 outside of Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium, in Tacoma Washington.

Being there.
Have you been there?
Martin Heidegger's conceptualization of the human being, Dasein, is discussed by way of reflection on experiential questions, such as: Have you been there?

Being here.
Living in Washington State, as compared to living in New York State.
This episode's segment compares the themes arising from a survey among Mechanical Turk workers who live in Washington State, versus those who live in New York. Along the way convenience sampling is explained.