I chat with Sekou Kaba, 2016 Canadian Olympian, Keynote Speaker, Coach and Mentor, and former training partner! He has presented in front of organizations such as the CMHC (Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation), Creative Mornings Ottawa, TedxOttawa, Innovation Gatineau, Toyota Canada Inc., and more. We talk about his journey to becoming an Olympian and the impact it's had on his life, taking on new challenges, believing in yourself, and not limiting yourself to be one thing.  

About Sekou Kaba

Sekou is the third oldest of seven kids and moved to Canada from the United States in 2007 after spending his teenage years in the United States where his family had immigrated in 2001. He started running track at age 11 after being drawn to athletes training at his school in Ypsilanti, Michigan. The rest, as they say, is history. Sekou went on to become one of the fastest hurdlers in Canada, winning multiple awards, international medals and qualifying for the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio. Sekou is full of inspiration as uses his experiences to inspire others as a keynote speaker, mentor, and coach. His favourite quote: “It’s never wrong to do the right thing.” – Mark Twain 

To connect with Sekou, you can follow him on Twitter or Instagram @sekou_kaba.

About Segun: Segun is a 2x Canadian Olympian, Keynote Speaker, Content Creator, and "Professional RiskTaker" (Entrepreneur). Connect with Segun on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @SegunMakinde.