In this episode, Jeremy and Katherine investigate how intersectionality effects the management of trauma. We examine the complex challenges of accessing health services, dating and our relationship with our own identity when facing trauma and intersectional prejudice. We also investigate public health and ask the question, what changes are needed in order to provide a better understanding of intersectional issues when providing healthcare and policy?

We speak with a panel of experts through experience as well as interview Guppi Bola, an expert in de-colonising economics, social justice and public health.

Content warning: contains references to various mental health issues and sexual abuse. Also references to gender dysphoria and transphobia  Affected by issues in the episode and need to talk? Contact the Samaritans in the UK and Ireland: call 116 123 or email [email protected] (24 hr reply)

Presenters: Jeremy Sachs & Katherine Cox
Panel guests: Arthur & Manny
Producer: Jeremy Sachs
Editor: Jeremy Sachs
Music: Angus MacRae
Special thanks to SurvivorsUK & Guppi Bola

Contact us:
Twitter @JeremySachs_

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