Creating change can be challenging - and often our human wiring can work against us!
Have you ever had something that you know that you wanted to do, that would be good for you, but you procrastinated, avoided, delayed or just didn’t do….
Yep me too...
This episode is one that is designed to share something I heard about a little while ago – called Activation Energy - which will hopefully you some ideas on how to get what you want and take action on things that you might be avoiding or delaying…
Activation Energy helps you to short circuit our human instinct to avoid change or things that are uncomfortable – that handbrake that kicks in when you think too much about something and basically think or talk yourself out of doing it or even getting started.
In this episode Shandra shares:How she came across this conceptThe definition of Activation Energy that actually makes sense outside of a science labExamples of how she has used itHow you can use it to get started on things that are important to you
Thank you for listening!