Your inner voice can give you mantras that motivate you through change, or completely drag you down....
The dominant thoughts you think, what you tell yourself is hugely influential on how you feel, what you do and the results that you get... so you want to arm yourself with a few great mantras that will lift you up and motivate you - especially when you are approaching or going through a time of change...
In this episode Shandra will share 7 great mantras so you can find at least one to experiment with to see how it works for you in your own work and life.
She shares:The different ways mantras can be usedWhy they are helpfulA great quote from Dr SeussMantras she uses regularly When you can use mantras...And she uses the phrase 'ishy squishy'... which is potentially not even real english...
Enjoy this episode and thank you for listening!
PS - One of the mantra's was talked about in a bit more detail in a previous episode that you can listen to Loving Your Work and Yourself'.