Have you ever had a level of certainty that turned out to work against you?Maybe believed something only to find out later that it wasn't actually true?
This episode was supposed to be about something else altogether, but a process of certainty getting in the way of my progress lead me to pivot and change the episode to be about that!
So this episode is instead of being about what it was originally going to be about, it's now about how believing something totally and wholeheartedly can actually work against you achieving what you want...
It's a bit different to usual episodes - it's short and designed to get you thinking!
In this episode Shandra shares:Appreciation for feedback from podcast listenersSomething she have never really been that into, but that has been impactfulQuestions for you on how to apply this principle practically for your benefitA frustration about podcastingA concept that will have you thinking about cookies!
If this gets you thinking - please come and join the Facebook group: The Transit Lounge - Being CEO you in the business of your life, because we're really keen to have a discussion about what is shared in this episode and would love to hear from you too!
Thank you for listening