Have you ever felt small as an actor? 

I had a #notperfect moment this week where I felt super small as an artist. And then began to found a theme I wasn’t exactly excited about, with my own career. This week, I’ll share what happened and how to deal with that negative chatter that starts to doubt ourselves and our career.

If this episode, we’ll dsicuss…


What to do when you’re feeling “small” as an actor 


What to do when you start doubting yourseld and your career. Why you’re allowed to feel whatever it is you’re feeling. Why it might not be a bad thing that you haven’t “made it big” yet


Have you signed up for the free actor self-care newsletter? 

Acting is stressful enough. What’s more stressful is when we don’t know why we’re so damn stressed! And how about all those “I should just be grateful and appreciate things” thoughts that tell you not to feel the (really legit) way you’re feeling right now?

I got you, friend. 

Head on over to www.tonyrossicoaching.com to sign up for the free actor self-care newsletter. I’ll share tips, tricks, and stories (that I don’t post anywhere else) every week, just for artists. 

OH - and you’ll also gain access to my free give away, “How to Win the Day!” 

Through my own self care routine, I’ve identified three ways you can win the day and make it much easier to experience more positive emotions. Whether you’re going to a day job, heading to an audition, or having one of those “I don’t have time to eat or sleep!” weeks - this audio has some tips for you.

Head over to www.tonyrossicoaching.com now and sign up for the email newsletter to grab it - because honestly, you deserve to start winning your day. 


Wanna chat with me? 

Shoot me an email - [email protected]

Wanna chat about your mindset and how to see things differently? Put “1-on1” in the subject line and let me know you’d like to set up a free coaching call :P 


Books & Podcasts to check out**

For a list of Tony’s favorite books and podcasts, check out his list here!**  Give one of these books a listen - for FREE! Start your free trial at www.audibletrial.com/tonyrossishow 


A Life in Parts - Bryan Cranston  The Actor’s Life: A Survival Guide - Jenna Fischer Sleep Smarter - Shawn Stevenson 


**Indicates affiliate link. (So like, buy two)


Other Podcasts to check out 


Audrey Helps Actors  iTunes Spotify



Things Tony likes


Artistic Strategies - Branding Coaching for Actors 


Vagabond School: An incredible acting school in Chicago run by working professional actors. 




For Sponsorship Inquiries

Shoot an email to [email protected] and put “Tony Rossi Show Sponsor” in the subject line.  Wanna just support the podcast? You’re the best. Head to patreon.com/tonyrossi for donation optins, starting at $1/month. 


Are we connected? (We totally should be….)

Facebook: facebook.com/tonyrossicoaching Instagram: @tony.rossi Twitter: @_tonyrossi 


Hey...you're enough. Without all those things you want and deserve. 

You're enough. Like, today. 


#notperfect #stillenough


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