Today’s episode features Boston filmmaker Jessica Estelle Huggins.

If you like these topics - you’ll love this episode...

How we make our friend’s victories about *us* The difference between bragging about our wins and *sharing* them Why different acting cities may or may not be for you… Why it’s fine not to be a morning person ;)  Boundaries - why you need them (and how to be upfront with people)  How rejection often happens for a reason…

More About Jessica! 

Boston native, Jessica Estelle Huggins is an acclaimed Filmmaker. Various films that she has produced have been accepted into dozens of film festivals around the country and has received awards. Titles include Perfect Day, Chi~Voices: A Poetic Film Series, Ride Shade and independent feature comedy set in Chicago, Call Center. Huggins graduated from Columbia College Chicago with a degree in Film/Video, specifically studying producing and casting. Currently, Huggins serves as the Distribution Manager at Documentary Educational Resources (DER). Her duties include developing marketing campaigns and distribution initiatives for independent filmmakers and managing the fiscal sponsorship program at DER. In October 2019, Huggins won the New England Film Star Award for her docuseries, Black Women Shine, which highlights the achievement of black women in Boston. Huggins enjoys spending time with her loved ones and a rich glass of cabernet. Huggins continues to develop multifaceted characters honing in stories about Black Americans in her personal film work

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Acting is stressful enough. What’s more stressful is when we don’t know why we’re so damn stressed! And how about all those “I should just be grateful and appreciate things” thoughts that tell you not to feel the (really legit) way you’re feeling right now?

I got you, friend. 

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OH - and you’ll also gain access to my free give away, “How to Win the Day!” 

Through my own self care routine, I’ve identified three ways you can win the day and make it much easier to experience more positive emotions. Whether you’re going to a day job, heading to an audition, or having one of those “I don’t have time to eat or sleep!” weeks - this audio has some tips for you.

Head over to now and sign up for the email newsletter to grab it - because honestly, you deserve to start winning your day. 

Wanna chat with me? 

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Wanna chat about your mindset and how to see things differently? Put “1-on1” in the subject line and let me know you’d like to set up a free coaching call :)


Books & Podcasts to check out**

For a list of Tony’s favorite books and podcasts, check out his list here!** 

OR give one of these books a listen - for free :) Start your free trial at 


A Life in Parts - Bryan Cranston  The Actor’s Life: A Survival Guide - Jenna Fischer Sleep Smarter - Shawn Stevenson 



Previous Tony Rossi Show Episodes to Check Out 


Ep 94: “Making Peace with Where You Are” - with Wendy Bruan  iTunes Spotify   Ep 65: “I cried at Starbucks. Here’s what happened…” iTunes  Spotify



Other Podcasts to check out 


The Model Health Show - with Shawn Stevenson  iTunes Spotify Eager to Know podcast - with Ricky McEachern iTunes Spotify  Listen to my interview with Ricky here! 



Boston Actor Resources An online community and resource for film and video production in the region  



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