As a real estate agent, you’re likely already using ChatGPT, but if you’re not taking advantage of custom trained GPTs then you’re overlooking a huge advantage.  


In this episode of This Week in Marketing, Jason Pantana is going to unlock ChatGPT’s most powerful and underutilized feature for scaling your real estate marketing – custom-trained GPTs. You’ll learn the four most useful GPT models and how to train them to handle your tasks for you. 


If you’re a real estate agent serious about saving time and upgrading your marketing, custom-trained GPTs are a MUST. Watch or listen to get started now!  


In this episode, Jason discusses…  

0:00 – What are custom GPTs?  

5:40 – Create or configure? 

7:40 – Property Description Generators 

9:20 – Review Ghostwriter  

11:15 – Social Media Content Creator  

13:30 – MLS Data Forecaster