Did you know that you have a thought playlist? This is the list of your default thoughts that drive how you engage with food and your body.  Cleaning up your thought playlist is the key to letting go of thoughts about food and your body that no longer serve you so that you can let them go. In this episode, I give you 4 simple steps to help you think new thoughts that will help you in your relationship with food and your body. Let’s dive in.

Mentioned in this episode:

Schedule your free clarity call with Unyime https://calendly.com/oliveandbliss/claritycallStart enjoying food without needing control or willpower with the FRE Food Freedom Guide: https://www.oliveandbliss.ca/foodfreedom

If you want more of what you heard in this episode, you'll love working with me. Check out all the details and get started at https://www.oliveandbliss.ca/