In this episode, you’re going to learn about one of the most important skills for thriving in motherhood and life – the skill of leadership. The biggest mistake that most women make is thinking that leadership is only reserved for boardrooms and white men in suits. That’s not true. Tune in to know why leadership is essential and how you can cultivate the skill of leadership, so that you can create a burnout-proof lifestyle where you go after your dreams and thrive without sacrificing your health, career, or relationships. 


Book a sales call to learn how to lead your life so that you can go after your dreams and thrive without sacrificing your health, career, or relationships. As a private client, you’ll get coached on motherhood, career, and life. Together we will work on your mindset, boundaries, and time management so that you can ditch mom guilt, people-pleasing, and end the cycle of burnt-out mom once and for all.


Links and Resources

Join the Permission Granted email list and learn how to give yourself permission to ditch guilt, drop people-pleasing, and create life on their terms. Sign up at me on Instagram at


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