For this episode Larry flies solo, as Dave has been busy putting together the Code
Fests: Hands on labs on some of the new features of .NET 3.5 and Visual Studio 2008. 
If you are in Wisconsin, Illinois or Indiana, and want to attend a Code Fest check Dave's
for details.

In this show, Larry sits down with Ed
, a program manager on the Team System team, who is responsible for the web
load testing tools that are part of the product.  We talked at the recent QAI
in Chicago, IL.  Among other things, Ed gives us some insights
(no promises) on features they are looking at for future releases of the product.

Our second Zune contest is still underway. One lucky winner will
receive a Zune80 with custom artwork etched from
This contest is easy enough. Just send us your constructive feedback on what
Microsoft can do better to support your work/personal life in utilizing Microsoft's
tools and technologies. Send your entries to thirstydeveloper [at] with the
subject header of 'Zune Contest'.

your feedback and your entry for a custom Zune80

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Blogs you should know

Larry's Pick: Team System Videos on 

Ways to connect with Dave and Larry:

Dave's Blog, Twitter
, Facebook Profile

Larry's Blog, Twitter
, Facebook Profile

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