Canopy Financial

In this weeks show, Larry sits down with some of the fine folks from Canopy
to discuss they started a business based on .NET technologies and tools.
We also discuss Microsoft Start-Up Zone and
how start-up companies can work with Microsoft to launch their businesses.

We also discuss the outcome of what Jeff Atwood was
teasing us with Episode 18. A partner venture with Joel
to create a technical community portal called Stack
. Joel and Jeff are also recording their weekly planning calls on offering
that up as podcast, which is certainly
a good listen.

We finish this week's episode by announcing our second Zune contest.
One lucky winner will receive a Zune80 with custom artwork etched from
This contest is easy enough. Just send us your constructive feedback on what
Microsoft can do better to support your work/personal life in utilizing Microsoft's
tools and technologies. Send your entries to thirstydeveloper [at] with the
subject header of 'Zune Contest'.

your feedback and your entry for a custom Zune80


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Blogs you should know

Larry's Pick: Jeff Moser's Software Development

Dave's Pick: Sara Fords Weblog / Visual
Studio Tip of the Day


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