In this 3+1 episode, we're catching up on some global stories that you might have missed and have a recommendation of the pop variety. We're continuing last month's conversation on elections by looking at El Salvador, talking through localization efforts in global development, the scandal surrounding UNRWA-Hamas and then get Brandon's take on Bono's recent biography, Surrender. Dr. Greg Burch of Multnomah University joins Brandon Stiver and Phil Darke for the conversation.

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Resources and Links from the show

Foreign Policy : What Bukele's Rise Means for the Region

World Relief : Three Trends We're Seeing in Global Development in 2024

USAID : Communicating through a Localization Lens

The Media Line : Hamas Sacrifices Gaza Children, and UNRWA Complicit in Crimes


The Locust Effect by Gary Haugen and Victor Boutros

God of the Empty-Handed by Jayukumar Christian

Conversation Notes

2:12 - Discussion on Christian Higher ed 8:23 - Considering security, freedom, violence and democracy as El Salvador goes through changes and the leadership of Nayib Bukele 22:00 - Why even bother bringing politics into the podcast conversation? 26:10 - Trends in global development, localization and the place for outsiders 40:30 - Violence against children in Israel-Palestine and the Hamas-UNRWA reports 52:34 - Surrender by Bono and reflections on the celebrity activist


Theme music Kirk Osamayo. Free Music Archive, CC BY License