What does it look like to meet the needs of very vulnerable people in the face of glaring global disparity? What does it look like to bring God's Kingdom through improving access to healthcare in the Global South? These are the questions we're looking at today as we dive into conversation with CEO of CURE International, Justin Narducci. Justin and his team CURE are distinctly rooted in Luke 9:2 where Jesus commissioned His disciples to proclaim the Kingdom of God and heal the sick. For them that means running hospitals in eight countries, providing over 330,000 surgeries and sharing the gospel with 1.5 million people. We get to learn from their experience in this episode of the podcast.

Resources and Links from the show

Cure International Website

Get Support for Yourself or Your Team with Canopy International

Conversation Notes

1:40 - Update on Brandon’s work with CarePortal 4:05 - Think Global becoming Think Global, Do Justice 9:50 - The work of Cure Intl. and how God led Justin into the global nonprofit space 12:00 - How scripture points us towards caring for people both locally and globally regardless of ethnicity and upbringing 13:20 - The history and the founding of CURE to meet healthcare and spiritual needs of vulnerable children and communities 15:20 - The environment in which CURE is working and the harsh realities for families and children 21:20 - The feelings of a parent whose child is in need of serious medical care 25:40 - The imperative for CURE to provide healthcare to vulnerable children specifically  29:30 - Addressing the tremendous disparity when looking at healthcare in Africa versus other areas of the world 33:15 - Promoting sustainability and professional development through CURE’s hospitals and partnerships 39:00 - How should we think about scaling solutions especially in the face of such tremendous needs throughout the world 45:24 - Seeing an organization grow from the founder to subsequent executives without mission creep 48:50 - Incorporating Christian ministry care with the medical care to heal the sick and proclaim the Kingdom of God 53:35 - The importance of having a specialized skill that you can transfer and train others in


Podcast music by Kirk Osamayo. Free Music Archive, CC BY License