In honor of the World Without Orphans Global Forum and in honor of awesome work being done in the Philippines, we've got Chrina Cuna Henson joining the show. Chrina runs the Manila-based organization Generations-Home and talks with Brandon Stiver and Phil Darke about what it's like to promote foster care and adoption in the Philippines. We discuss the reality of violence against children and the pervasive online sexual exploitation of children in the country and learn how Generations-Home is promoting the care and protection of Filipino children.

Resources and Links from the Show

Join us for the first ever CarePortal Conference

Generations-Home Website

"Constance" by Mr. J Medeiros (Music Video)

Conversation Notes

2:30 What’s great about the World Without Orphans Global Forum 7:50 About Generations Home and their work in the Philippines 10:15 How God led Chrina from personal tragedy into running a nonprofit focused on orphans and vulnerable children 15:00 Overview of orphanhood and childhood vulnerability in the Philippines including online sexual exploitation of children 22:42 Starting a church based, family focused movement in an orphanage and exploitation heavy context 34:35 The art of being gracious with people that have good intentions that are just trying to do what they think is best 39:30 Foster care and adoption in the Philippines 46:10 Getting the local church involved with vulnerable children and families 50:35 Being an OVC organization that is based financially in Asia rather than the West 55:53 Embracing our own brokenness as we faithfully serve vulnerable communities