Mindset is at the core of everything we do. Whether you realize it or not, your mind (both conscious and sub-conscious) controls up to 90% of everything you do.

This includes your thoughts, actions, the way you think, what you wear, how you walk, talk, eat, and who you hang out with.

So naturally, the question becomes "how do I 'fix' my mindset?"

I hear this question all the time, so in this episode I decided to cover:

"How To 'Fix Your Mindset' And What My $60,000 Mindset Coach Taught Me About Mindset & Stories.

I took a trip recently to Colorado for the weekend that actually ties into this perfectly, and illustrates what I do in my daily life to help with my mindset.

I also discuss how to rewire your brain so your "default setting" is high performance, and what I am working on right now in Think Different Theory.

(Plus I answer a few bonus questions about my world trip!)

Tune in and say hi!

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You can find this episode plus all the previous episodes here.

Be sure to grab a copy of The Mindshift Playbook here.

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