###Everything is your fault. Period.

Once you realize that, it is the most freeing and amazing thing you can realize. Because it means no one is responsible for your life but you. This episode is more just me being a motivational speaker and like yelling in your face.

I'm doing that because sometimes I just think people need a kick in the butt and they need to own responsibility for their life. I'd like to know if you'd like it or you don't like it and we'll go from there. So hit me up on Instagram (link below).

Please understand, I'm going to be pretty straightforward and unapologetic and not very sympathetic in this episode. My mom, sorry, you're probably not gonna like this episode so much, but some people just need to hear it. If you're in a super bad situation in your life right now, this is probably exactly what you need to hear because it's what's gonna help you change your life. If you don't like where your life is at right now, this is the episode for you.

####Please understand. I love you guys. I appreciate you all, but this is for the people that need a little bit of a kick in the pants.

You can find the transcripts and more at www.thinkdifferenttheory.com/4

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