In this episode, I’m going to talk about the great experience I had attending Steve Larsen’s recent Offer Lab event. It was a very exclusive event where some of the most brilliant and incredible people paid between $15,000 and $35,000 to attend.

The potential to learn was humongous, and I’m going to condense everything I gained into the top three things that everybody there learned. This will definitely shift your perspective on things and help you grow your business to levels you’ve never possible.

Key Points Discussed:

The best mastermind event ever (02:08)
Learning from high level, super successful people (04:27)
Going into a crazy zone of genius when creating offers (08:23)
Learning Steve Larsen’s systems and processes (14:01)
Getting the right people together (17:15)
Building relationships that will bring you success (22:15)

You can find the transcripts and more at


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