In this episode, I’m going to delve deeper into the high-profit margin, low startup cost businesses, which include coaching, consulting and service-based businesses. I’m going to tackle the issues that people who start such businesses have with training, coaching, and mentorship, because most of those people don’t know how to choose the best training, coaching or mentorship for themselves based on the type of business they want to start.

I’m going to talk about the various business structures that exist within that business category, so you can be more well-equipped when building out your business.

Key Points Discussed:

Coaching, consulting and service-based businesses (05:37)
Determining what route to go down (06:40)
Pick a thing, stick with it, and go make some money with it (08:11)
Shiny Person Syndrome (08:38)
The coaching consulting world (13:18)
Business structures and models (15:33)
Don’t buy a course about a business that you don’t wanna build (17:04)

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