In this episode, I’m going to try and initiate an honest, open discussion and debate about three critical issues in the American society today by talking about them individually and sharing my thoughts on each one of them. They are college, the border, and welfare/government handouts.

I believe that communication and open honest debates about these things are important especially for building up a tolerance to each other’s views in our society. I would love it if you could reach out to me after listening to the episode, and tell me if you agree with my views, and tell me your personal views.

Key Points Discussed:

Appreciating the love (01:16)
Do you really need college? (05:21)
Better uses of an education loan (08:45)
Valuable knowledge is not acquired in a classroom (12:38)
The American border crisis (13:22)
An overloaded system will eventually break (17:10)
Welfare seems better than employment (19:29)
Taking personal responsibility for our actions (23:10)

You can find the transcripts and more at


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