In this episode, I’m going to delve deeply into how habits are formed from a psychological standpoint. and how to be consistent with what’s most critical to our success. How we control our habits determines, to a huge degree, whether we will have the discipline needed to succeed in achieving our goals.

I’m going to use real-life examples to teach you how you can get rid of old bad habits, and replace them with new ones that will lead you in the right direction. You’ll not want to miss this one.

Key Points Discussed:

Lack of success is just lack of discipline (02:22)
Measuring daily productivity levels (05:53)
Avoiding things that eat into the time we invest on our goals (08:51)
How habits are formed and the power they have (12:07)
Identifying the triggers that initiate our habits (15:16)
Reprogramming triggers in order to form new habits (19:22)
Trigger = Action = Reward (27:29)
Struggling to be consistent (31:46)
Asking yourself the question of why (38:56)

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