In today’s episode, I’m going to share the one thing that is common among the majority of successful people, and that is being crazy and not worrying about what people think. Successful people always go and do what they’re passionate about even when no one else can see its potential.

They brush off criticism and discouragement from others to chase their dreams, and that’s why in the end they are the ones who achieve great things in whatever niche or industry they’re in. In this episode, I will give you permission to go crazy, be yourself and think outside the box no matter what.

Key Points Discussed:

Permit yourself to fail (04:41)
Being crazy = Being successful (05:29)
Do your thing no matter the external expectations (07:15)
Creating your own reality and taking off the limits of society (09:54)
Being a free thinker to maintain creativity and achieve a better life (12:20)
Designing and chasing the life that you want to live (16:09)
Building something great with the roadblocks (16:54)

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