Someone once sarcastically implied to me that I could not a good person and still make money and be successful, especially in my industry, but with my brother Kyle as a great example for me, I proved them wrong in the end, and I would like to help you ensure that you not only make money, and succeed, but also leave a great legacy.

In today’s episode, I’m going to take apart the idea that in order to make money someone needs to be a mean jerk. This is something that a lot of people believe to be true, but before the end of the show, I will have showed you that it’s totally misleading and that being a good person is the best way to go.

Key Points Discussed:

Leaving a great legacy (01:14)
Succeeding despite being a good person (03:59)
Treating people with respect no matter what (08:20)
A great example (09:46)
Leading with love (12:16)
A case and point from Kyle Forti’s life (15:00)
The occasional cost of being a good person (19:04)

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