In this episode, and the next two, I'm going to tell my story all the way from age 9 to current age. This episode covers from around age 9 to age 14, which is when I got my first job.

My goal with these episodes is to help you all get to know me better and understand where I came from and see that I’m not special.

I am preparing to roll out "Mini-Series" of content here on the podcast where we do X number of episodes on a specific topic. The first mini Series will come out the first week of March (Episode 33) and will be 6 episodes long over two weeks. It will be called "Designing The Life Of Your Dreams" and so I want you all to really know me and my story better so they can see that is exactly what I did.

####Key Points Discussed:

The purpose of sharing my story (3:30)
My struggles with a money mindset early on (7:21)
How I made my first money (8:30)
A key lesson from my parents (9:15)
Moving across the country and starting over (19:30)

You can find the transcripts and more at [][1]

Be sure to follow me on Instagram [@joshforti][2]

Subscribe to the podcast on [Apple][3], [Spotify][4], [Google][5], [Stitcher][6], or anywhere else you listen to your podcasts.

You can find this episode plus all the previous episode [here][7].

Be sure to grab a copy of The Mindshift Playbook [here][8].

If you haven't already, please rate and review the podcast on [Apple Podcasts][9]!











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