In this episode, I’m going to talk about how the media has shaped and continues to shape who we are becoming as a society. What we surround ourselves with, and where we get our information from, defines who we are, which basically means that we choose who we become by the media we consume.

I’ll dive deeper into that and talk about where I’m currently at in life, the moral dilemmas I face, and so much more. Hope this helps you get a little insight into what direction you need to be headed in to achieve your dream life.

Key Points Discussed:

How social media comparison is screwing with us (02:15)
Focus on your passions or get super bored (07:56)
Doing an astronomical amount of work to be great (09:19)
Media consumption is killing us (13:20)
Considering a social media blackout (17:30)
Social media shapes those who don't know what they want in life (18:15)
Finding truth and figuring out what's right and wrong (27:00)
It's not right just because everyone else is doing it (28:39)
The bigger you get, the more careful you have to be with your influence (31:15)
How social media amplifies false versions of reality (34:29)
Chase your passion, live your life, do your thing (37:17)

You can find the transcripts and more at

Additional Resources:

Trust Me, I’m Lying By Ryan Holiday


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