In this episode, I’m going to talk about the 5 pillars of success in business and wealth (as lived by billionaires and multimillionaires). I’ll dive into how I got curious earlier on my entrepreneurship career about how super successful people got where there are. I’ll explain how I came up with the 5 pillars, and why they are important.

I’ll also explain in detail what each of the 5 pillars are so you can be able to apply them towards your own success in life. They are:

Objective Thinking, Mastering Your Mindset, Knowing Your Strengths And Weaknesses
Sales And Networking Skills.
System Creation, Team Building, And Leadership Skills.
Financial Literacy, Surrounding Yourself With Financially Literate People.
Never, Ever, Ever, Stop Learning.

If you ever wanna be successful, listen and learn.

Key Points Discussed:

The core fundamental pillars of business and success (02:31)
The five core attributes of successful people (05:04)
The power of objective thinking (10:04)
You have to learn how to sell (15:57)
Building a team: Systems are the key to everything (19:49)
Continuous learning is very necessary for success (26:40)

You can find the transcripts and more at

Additional Resources:

Download your FREE copy of the 5 Success Pillars Here


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