In this episode, we are going to talk about what it takes to get to level 1,000 in Candy Crush is why this is also exactly what it takes to succeed in business.

Most people never succeed because they quit too soon. Simple as that. Did you know that if you just consistently do something over and over and over again for a long enough time, you will succeed? It's literally impossible not to make forward progress and eventually succeed. Take me, for example, getting to Level 1,000 of Candy Crush. Yes, I know that's super embarrassing, but I would have never got there if I quit.

The same thing for the businesses I have started. I would have never started a six-figure Instagram agency if I had not consistently studied the platform before work, on my lunch break, and in the evenings after work. Being consistent is the key and we will dive into how you need to start thinking about consistency so you can accomplish whatever it is that you desire, whether it be Level 1,000 on Candy Crush or a six-figure business.

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