In this episode of The Thermo Diet Podcast Jayton Miller sits down with independent researcher, entrepreneur, and fellow metabolism fanatic Gerogi Dinkov. In this episode they talk about an average day in the life of Georgi Dinkov, vitamin D + vitamin K supplementation, new products Georgi has in the works, ways to increase brain performance, and so much more. Check it out and let us know what you think!

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Full Transcript:

Jayton Miller:
Welcome back to the Thermo Diet Podcast. I'm your host Jayton Miller, and today I have on the podcast none other than Georgi Dinkov. This episode is absolutely amazing, so we actually go through a day in the life of what Georgi actually does from day-to-day. We talk about some of the new products that he's working on. 

Jayton Miller:
We talk about vitamin D and some of its possible benefits in regards to not only protective hormones, but to cancer and other kinds of therapies. And then we also talk a little bit about some of the best ways to increase brain performance outside of increasing metabolic rate, lowering serotonin, and stress hormones. So, I'm super excited for you all to be able to listen to this one. Let's dive in.

Jayton Miller:
Welcome back, guys. Today I have on the podcast Mr. Georgi Dinkov. How are you doing today Georgi?

Georgi Dinkov:
Doing fine. Thank you for asking. Thanks for inviting me again.

Jayton Miller:
Yes, sir. I really appreciate your time and thank you for hopping on here.

Georgi Dinkov:
Thanks. Hopefully, we can provide some value to your listeners.

Jayton Miller:
Definitely. So, I got a handful of questions from people in our community group on Facebook, and the first one that was on there was what does a day in the life of Georgi actually look like? Do you have any kinds of routines or habits or supplement protocols that you like to follow?

Georgi Dinkov:
So, I mean, I wouldn't call it routine because it changes all the time, but there are certain things that happening on a daily basis. Some of them because I have two children and a wife, so that's basically this given, right? And then there's also things that are related to the business because I have two jobs. I have a day job and also the supplement business. And also, now I'm involved with a research group in Bulgaria. So, we're now starting to do studies.

Georgi Dinkov:
So, because of these three things that more or less don't change, they're there every day, there is some routine, but things get shifted back and forth all the time depending on what takes priority. So, when I wake up, basically, I drink coffee. One cup. I'm not really a big coffee drinker. I actually prefer tea, but I find that one

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