I can’t believe we are rolling into summer and if you’re concerned about the summer slump of low client referrals or a drop in client session hours, now may be the time to get started on creating an additional stream of income. 

Or perhaps you’re feeling burnt out on clinical work and are dreaming of starting something new with your clinical skills…Either way I have you covered! 

In this episode I'm going to discuss 3 income generating options you might want to consider…

Before I dive in, it's important to choose options that align with your values, strengths, and experiences plus with determination and creativity, you can thrive beyond clinical work and find fulfillment in their new business ventures.

1.Workshops, trainings and speaking engagements: Conduct sessions for other therapists or even the general public, covering topics such as stress management, self-care techniques, trauma-informed approaches, or specific therapeutic modalities. Or if you have another specialty that therapists can benefit from like social media and marketing, insurance paneling. etc.. Providing these trainings not only allows you to connect with like-minded professionals but also positions you as an authority in your field. Collaboration with local organizations, such as your state associations, agencies, hospitals,  schools, or wellness centers can help reach a broader audience. You may have to provide free workshops or trainings to get started and that’s ok because you’re getting your name out there as well as the value you provide. Once you get your feet under you - you can start to charge for your workshops and services. 

A few years ago I did a free online workshop for my local AAMFT chapter and from that workshop I received paid opportunities..so don’t count out doing things for free or a small fee. It can lead to more opportunities that will be paid. 

2.Writing, Publishing, and blogging: You can utilize your expertise in mental health topics by writing and publishing books, articles, blog posts, or even starting a podcast. These avenues not only allow you to reach a wider audience but also build credibility and generate passive income through book sales or sponsored content. Additionally, therapists can monetize their blog or podcast through affiliate marketing. These are great options if you desire to create an income stream that allows you to work from home as well as in the pockets of your day. If you have small children at home and you aren’t able to get out and about as much this is a great option. How do you get started with these? If you want to start writing, I'd suggest looking at upwork or other freelance sites. Experience isn’t always necessary so you can probably find some opportunities. 

Blogging is still a thing! And the more niche your blog, the better. Now blogging takes time, patience and consistency of effort and action to grow but if you want to work from home and cut back on clinical work - growing a blog could be for you. Blog about things you enjoy and are passionate about and what people are searching for - research shows that people want to be healthier, happier and wealthier, so what niches can you write about that help people in one of these areas? Help them solve problems and give them value. Most bloggers monetize through affiliate marketing. Which means that when they recommend a product or service, they are paid a commission, at no extra cost to the purchaser. For example, one company I’m an affiliate for is the mindfulness app. When someone purchases the app through my link, I receive a commission.  There are many affiliate marketing programs out there so get creative. 

3.Podcasting: Similar to blogging. Pick your niche, create content, be consistent, add value to your audience. If you are curious about podcasting and want a free course, check out this training from John Lee Dumas of Entrepreneurs on Fire podcast. It’s the same program I went through before starting my podcast. 

These are just 3 business ideas that I suggest for therapists seeking a change. If you’d like more ideas then be sure to grab my list that includes 50 ideas for creating an additional stream of income. 

Before I end today’s episode it’s important to know that while these ideas take time to grow - it’s even more important that you take action on starting

As a therapist who has experienced burnout from clinical work, I struggled for many months on how to move through it. I went to therapy, I talked to my life coach, I read a bunch of self-help books…and while each were helpful in their own way, nothing really changed for me until I decided to TAKE ACTION.

I took messy, chaotic (at times), and imperfect action. And as I’ve mentioned before, the first few attempts at starting something new where flops. But I took what I learned from those ‘failures’ and kept moving forward. I found I was moving through my burn out because I was taking responsibility for controlling what I could - which was figuring out a way to pivot my skills into something new. I actually found that with my new attitude and vision, I was a better therapist. 

And while I still experience burn out here and there, it’s way more manageable because I am working on growing my business. 

Take home message? Pick something and start taking action on it. It may help you cope with your burn out.

And that's a wrap for today's episode. I hope you found this discussion on business ideas for burnt-out therapists informative and inspiring. If you're a therapist experiencing burnout, remember that taking action and exploring new avenues can lead to a more fulfilling professional journey.

The Therapy Show with Lisa Mustard is sponsored by TherapyNotes!

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Want to pivot your skill set and generate more income? Looking to expand your services or create new ones? Grab my list of 50+ ideas that can help you create an additional stream of revenue here: https://bit.ly/ideasformoreincome

Need continuing education contact hours? If so, then be sure to check out my Podcourses. 

Learn about Holistic Counseling with Chris McDonald, LCMHC - check out her trainings here.

Learn about the Psychcraft Network.

Transforming Your Relationship With Anxiety Course - Click HERE to get a FREE course on transforming your relationship with anxiety from Mindfulness.com (affiliate link)

Free Podcast Course from John Lee Dumas (affiliate link): https://bd140.isrefer.com/go/fpca/lisamustard/