In this episode, I'm answering listener questions, offering insights into my personal journey and professional experiences as a therapist and podcaster.

My Personal Journey to Mental Health and Emotional Wellness Inspiration Behind the Therapy Show Podcast's Influence on Professional Practice Underrated Yet Effective Therapeutic Techniques Favorite Podcast Episode  Fostering Personal Growth Outside Therapy Building Emotional Resilience Daily/Weekly Practices for Emotional Health Balancing Professional Responsibilities and Personal Development

Additional Resources:

Continuing education courses available here and here.
Free eBook: "15 Easy Habits That Support Your Mental Health."
Private podcast for therapists looking to create more income.
Monthly podcast meetups for Q&A about podcasting.

The Headless Way With Richard Lang 

Contact Information:

Email: [email protected]
Contact Form

Send in your questions! Go here.

This episode is for informational and entertainment purposes only. Please consult with your therapist or a professional for specific advice related to your situation.