This Discourse will grant you a greater understanding of the Consciousness of the Ascended Masters and the Wholesomeness and Naturalness of the Ascended Master Octaves of Light. The Ascended Masters have no sense of self-consciousness or self-importance. This gives them the Freedom to create and to enjoy Life in all its magnificence at inner levels. Childlike Spontaneity, Innocence, Humility and Charity are the nature of every Ascended Master and of your own God Presence. Although the Ascended Masters are exalted Beings who have mastered all of the Christ Virtues of Responsibility, Authority, Sacrifice, Necessity, and Constancy and Practicality, these Masters are always the servant of the God Presence within your very own Heart. You will find that as you internalize the Golden Precepts and enter into closer communion with your own God Presence, you will want for no good thing, for within your own Presence is every joy, fulfillment and satisfaction. And when the Consciousness of your Causal Body is restored to you, stepping up into the Ascended Masters Octaves of Light will be as natural as a homecoming!

Discourse - 9/26/04

Lovers of Life

Harvest Conclave 2004

Monroe Julius Shearer, Anointed Representative

The Temple of The Presence