Feel Saint Germain’s great Love in this momentous Dictation! Announcing that it is his great Joy to give and continue to give the Violet Flame, Saint Germain grants you this Dispensation — that he might once more take ten years of your karma into his Heart and consume it by that Violet Transmuting Flame! And when anyone in the future hears this Dictation, they, too, will receive this Dispensation! Saturating you with Violet Flame, Saint Germain imparts to you his Heart so you might grasp the great Love he has for you and for all of Life, so that you might internalize that Love, and when you emerge from his Heart, stand as the God you are and extend that same Love to all of Life. Instructing that the elementals need your Love and the Violet Flame, and that mankind needs more Violet Flame, Saint Germain affirms that you have great Power at your disposal to change so much in God’s Kingdom if you will but integrate your four lower bodies with your God Presence, become the Christ you are intended to become, and then be that lover of Life!


Lovers of Life

Harvest Conclave 2004

Carolyn Louise Shearer, Anointed Representative

The Temple of The Presence
