Beloved Saint Germain

“My Personal Dispensation for You”

Saint Germain, Chohan of the Seventh Ray of the Violet Flame, explains the Beauty of that Flame and why it is so key to the Victory of each lifestream. He also presents another Dispensation of Violet Flame! It is a Violet Flame that he will call forth daily on your behalf. You need only be the recipient. You must still make your Calls to the Violet Flame as you have, but this particular quotient of Violet Flame that Saint Germain will call for you is so that you will have the opportunity to know your own I AM Presence enough that you will become the servant of God that was intended to be, in whatever manner your God Presence has elected. The magnitude of Saint Germain’s Momentum on the Violet Flame is very great, so expect change in your life! For when you are receptive to his Flame and his Call, it will reorder your life in accordance to the Divine Plan of your lifestream. If you will receive Saint Germain’s gift, it will be worth it!

October 11, 2015

The Pharos of Hierarchy

Harvest Conclave 2015

Carolyn Louise Shearer, Anointed Representative

The Temple of The Presence