Understanding the Process and Flow of Divine Love

Journey no farther than the Heart of your own Mighty I AM Presence to find the true Fountainhead of Love. The Love that pours forth from the Godhead is absolutely limitless. As it pours forth from the level of the Great I AM and each Individual God Presence, it creates a circulatory flow that goes forth and returns. Your role as the Individualization of God is to command the Universals. Never be afraid to command Love. Learn the intricacies of Divine Love so that you can use it to solve every problem of your life. Let the Love of your God Presence flow through you each and every day so you may abide within its unending circle.

Discourse - October 18, 2015

When I AM Calling You... Love’s Duet with the Limitless Sea

Acropolis Sophia – Harvest 2015

Monroe Julius Shearer, Anointed Representative

The Temple of The Presence