Lord Lanto, Chohan of the Second Ray of Illumination’s Flame,  imparts  to  you  the  Teaching  on  why  Illumination  is all-important  for you to draw forth from the Threefold  Flame of your Heart. Illumination will connect you in your mind, emotions, and physical vehicles with God’s Will. Illumination’s Flame conveys Divine Purpose and Holy Intent, allowing all things in the outer to take on that Divine Imprint held within God’s Mind. Every day is an opportunity  to expand the Flame of Illumination in your life, for you are constantly being taught. Every situation that you are placed in by your Presence and by your Ascended Masters Sponsors is so that you will expand your conscious awareness of God and draw it more into evidence in your life. Lord Lanto calls forth the Golden Helicon to sweep the Earth with Illumination’s Flame and the Golden Elixir of God Consciousness, giving you this gift to foster greater Wisdom.

October 8, 2015

Carolyn Louise Shearer, Anointed Representative

The Pharos of Hierarchy

The Temple of The Presence