The  “fear  of  the  Lord”  is  a  point  of  Wisdom  that reflects a healthy respect for the actions of the Law of the Presence — Cosmic Law, which is never to be interfered with, even by the Ascended Masters. Cosmic Law is no respecter of any person, place, or thing, and there is never permitted the unnecessary or wasteful expenditure of the Power or Energy of  the  Godhead.  The Ascended  Masters  can  intercede  when there is the opportunity for the Illumination of the Heart and mind. The awakening of Illumination occurs when you enter the Safe Harbor of the Pharos. The Seven-Rayed Religion of the Dawning Golden Age is in the Pharos of Hierarchy. The Torch of Divine Illumination crowning the Pharos casts its beams of living Light, the intelligence of the Mind of God, across the Earth. This is the service Torch Bearers are engaged in and why they are the Hope of the world.

October 8, 2015

Monroe Julius Shearer, Anointed Representative

The Pharos of Hierarchy

The Temple of The Presence