Lady Master Venus

Moving within and Becoming God Love

Lady Master Venus comes to teach you of Love — how to embody Love and give Love freely, unconditionally. When you learn to master God Love you will be able to overcome every sense of limitation that you might experience in your life. The very practical day-to-day life you live is an exercise in moving within that Love, drawing it forth, anchoring it, breathing it upon the elemental forces of nature by the Flame of your Heart, and conducting your affairs in this glorious Vibration of God Love. When Sanat Kumara, the Nameless One, and Lord Gautama send forth their Momentum collectively, there is no resistance upon the Earth can stop the flow, for it will come into manifestation.

October 18, 2015

When I AM Calling You... Love’s Duet with the Limitless Sea

Acropolis Sophia – Harvest 2015

Carolyn Louise Shearer, Anointed Representative

The Temple of The Presence