Yet another extremely informative and profound podcast with one of the coolest men I know. Jake has lived a life and then some, which is crazy to think that he is only 31 years old and only really getting started on his journey as a Chek practitioner.

Having just recently obtained his purple belt in BJJ and really finding his stride within life with business, success and changing people's lives, we took the time to dive into Jake's story and what has made him the 'warrior' he is today

Having left school at such a young age, knowing it wasn't for him to then going on a world wide tour at 16 as a professional body boarder really opened him up to what the universe can provide in the way of light and dark

Suffering some big setbacks from the age of 21-26 really shaped how his heroe's journey would look moving forward.

We went into some really interesting topics on this one based around Archetypes, spirituality, health, the current state of the world and much...much more

I'll leave some resources that we mentioned in the podcast below, and also where you can contact Jake as I highly recommend everyone see's him or Cal at Corrective Culture at least ONCE in their life

Cheers Guys, Trav


Ram Dass - Youtube
Paul Chek- Youtube
Paul Chek- Why Kings Kill Our Children
 Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind- Youtube/ Book
Jordan Peterson self authoring program on YouTube
Accept it here and now for what it is - buddha
Establish your nightmare, what don’t you want in this life
Learn about fascia
Hidden messages in water - book
Advanced energy anatomy - book
King warrior magician lover - book
