Wherein we discuss Dart and Pub with Natalie Weizenbaum. We discuss how Dart and Pub are being used and developed within Google and a potential new algorithm for more user friendly dependency resolution error messages. Special Guest: Natalie Weizenbaum.

Wherein we discuss Dart and Pub with Natalie Weizenbaum. We discuss how Dart and Pub are being used and developed within Google and a potential new algorithm for more user friendly dependency resolution error messages.

Special Guest: Natalie Weizenbaum.


Pub: Dart Package ManagerPub on GitHubDart programming languageAngularDartFlutterBob Nystromgclient — gclientSass: Syntactically Awesome Style SheetsSass EyeglassDPLL algorithm - WikipediaNatalie on GitHubNatalie on Twitter

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