Wherein we discuss Go and Dep with Sam Boyer. We discuss how he led the improvements to package management for the Go ecosystem and went deep on satisfiability and how it relates to dependency resolution. Special Guest: Sam Boyer.

Wherein we discuss Go and Dep with Sam Boyer. We discuss how he led the improvements to package management for the Go ecosystem and went deep on satisfiability and how it relates to dependency resolution.

Special Guest: Sam Boyer.


dep on GitHubThe Go Programming Languagegps on GitHubglide on GitHubThe Saga of Go Dependency ManagementGo Package Management ToolsSo you want to write a package managergopkg.inThe New Era of Go Package ManagementSatisfiability - WikipediaMiniSatHorn clausesThe Art of Computer Programming, Volume 4, Fascicle 6: SatisfiabilityConflict-Driven Clause LearningBackjumpingGophers on SlackSam on TwitterSam on GitHub


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