Michelle Clare is a Certified Medium, Angel Intuitive, Spiritual Coach, and Energy Healer. Michelle is in a unique position. She has survived three near-death experiences and each time she came out of this state, they’ve been profound. In this episode, she describes what these experiences are like, how she helps her clients reach her loved ones, and so much more!


Key Takeaways:

Michelle shares a little bit about herself and some of her near-death experiences.  Michelle came back with such a vivid and profound memory of a world beyond peace.  The next near-death experience that Michelle experienced was shortly after giving birth to her third child. Michelle remembers running with her dog, who had passed away, on a beach. That’s when she realized she was in ‘multiple’ places.  The third near-death experience was from a traumatic brain injury. Michelle could see her angels ask if she wanted to stay or go.  Michelle was raised catholic, but has she always been spiritual and believed in angels?  Did Michelle become a medium after she had her brain injury?  Everything circles back to love. Love doesn’t separate us from those that have already transitioned.  Our loved ones are always around us.  Remember, no one lives this life alone. We are surrounded by our loved ones, our spirits, angels, and life guides! There’s an entire team behind you.  None of us truly die alone. It might look like tht on the outside, but that’s not true. When Michelle’s head hit the counter, she didn’t feel pain.  Michelle’s tip? Go to your quiet place and imagine your loved one, and then try to experience pure love with that person.   For a lot of widows or people in grief, the present is a confusing space because they’re mourning the past and they’re afraid of the future.  We can’t change what happens to us, but we have the option to choose how to respond to it. 




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Signs: The Secret Language of the Universe by Laura Lynne Jackson