Michelle Chalfant is the Founder of The Adult Chair, Therapist, and a Holistic Life Coach. Michelle is also a podcast host, which dives into topics like psychology, getting unstuck, and how to work through your grief. Michelle’s work has deeply helped Susan on her grief journey and in this week’s episode, Michelle talks about learning how to work with your emotions (something we were never taught to do) in order for us to be emotionally healthy adults.


Key Takeaways:

Susan felt a lot of comfort after listening to Michelle’s podcast when she was on her grief journey. A little bit about Michelle and her work in self-love, healing, and psychology. How do we get out of codependency? How do we heal our grief? We’re all looking for the same thing; to be whole and complete. There are so many ways humans grieve and it’s not talked about at all. Why are you having these emotions? Sometimes it’s powerful to just stop to think about ‘why’. The best way to work through our emotions is to feel them. We will do anything to numb the emotions because they’re often uncomfortable! We might drink too much, eat too much, work too much, do anything but feel them. We project onto others what we think they need. Instead, we just need to ask, ‘what do you need?’ We have to move out of the old stories that we tell ourselves. If we don’t, we remain stuck in our grief. Michelle is a big fan of journaling. It helps you get out all the emotions. How can someone get unstuck? It sounds weird, but taking the time to intentionally breathe is very powerful. It helps keep you grounded. When we’re in a state of grief, we don’t breathe very well.




Email Susan: [email protected]

