Reverend Anne Presuel, a recurrent guest on the podcast, joins Susan in today’s episode. Both Reverend Anne and Susan are connected in their spiritual paths, a relationship that started as a coaching-client relationship to experiencing loss and turning that around into a spiritual friendship.


Key Takeaways:

Reverend Anne shares her grief story and how her life pivoted unexpectedly as a result of it. The same day Anne published her book A Divine Intuitive Awakening she got a call from Luisa, her assistant and right hand at her business, telling her she contracted COVID; five days later she passed away, leaving Anne in terrible sorrow. Anne has been through trauma, she knew this grief wouldn’t last forever, and that she needed to honor the process. Anne kept on asking herself what was next after Luisa died, and she granted herself the time to process and feel until she was ready. Sometimes what people think will be good for you is not what resonates with your grieving process. Sometimes you just need to “clear the deck” when you try to move forward and realize that there are some things in your life that are no longer working for you. Anne started asking herself if she should stop all the work she had been doing for ten years, was it time to let that business go because Luisa was not there?  Anne came to the conclusion that she could allow herself the freedom to stop trying to make her business work the way it did, and instead thinking of something different, new, and even possibly fun. Anne found treasures in Thrift Shops and found pleasure and fun in finding this stuff a new home. How did Anne realize this really was the right way to go? A sacred contract was laid between Luisa and Anne, the whole journey was actually completed and it had reached its ending. Anne needed to trust her intuition even though she was not sure about the reasons why things happened the way they did. Following the energy of the light is a very important piece especially when you are at your darkest times. Practicing gratitude lets you be present in this moment where you are.



Email Susan: [email protected]


Listen to Allow Yourself to Let Life and Hope Back In with Reverend Anne Presuel


A Divinely Intuitive Awakening: How Divine Connection Healed Unspeakable Trauma and Created a Life of Love, Magic and Miracles, Anne Presuel