In today’s episode, Susan is joined by Myree Morsi, a soul guide and transformational therapist who since 1999 has supported people who are navigating their awakening, healing, soul alignment, and spiritual journeys. After successfully healing her own PTSD from childhood abuse, Myree is dedicated to helping others heal their trauma, claim their spiritual gifts, elevate as soulful leaders, stabilize, and befriend their awakening experiences in the midst of modern pressurized lives. She has walked a deep and transformative journey with grief from the tragic and horrific death of her younger brother in 2013. The Path of grief led her to access priceless joy and it has remained with her ever since.


Key Takeaways:

Myree shares how she grieved her brother, who was her best friend. Myree’ss first experience of grief was when her father died when she was 7 years old. Myree shares the details of her brother’s exhausting mental illness journey. Healing is about integrating the science of healing and the spiritual aspect of it. After her brother died, Myree experienced fearlessness, she stopped being afraid of pain and experienced freedom. Myree imagined how it would feel to die in the way her brother did and that led her to explore her personal history, which led her to a spiritual liberation. Myree experienced being able to let go, surrender and reach the root of pain (which is not recommended if you are not properly supported). Therapy works as a result of the relationship that is established with the practitioner. Myree talks about her therapeutic approach with her clients. You can be your own healer. What is the difference between a spiritual and a therapeutic approach to healing? Miracles can just be a shift in perception. People tend to avoid their feelings, but in order to heal you need to face your feelings and deal with them. Gratitude can be a life savior. Susan shares a journaling technique that she loves and is called Rage on the Page. Myree explains what a seer is. Myree shares actionable suggestions for listeners who are grieving heavily to start to feel better.



Email Susan: [email protected]

Learn more about Myree Morsi