I just got out of a call with a prospective client who is considering outsourcing her company’s support staff with us.

We had a great time talking about the ways her company can benefit from outsourcing with TeleworkPH and I have to say she went away happy and armed with a lot of info to help her make her final decision (I think she has already decided just wants to let me stew for awhile).

However, during the call she asked one important question: What do I actually get when I outsource with TeleworkPH?

And that got me thinking....

In this episode I'll explain everything you get when you outsource with TeleworkPH

I'll explain the agent hour and what's included

If you are thinking about outsourcing your support staff to the Philippines, you'll not want to miss out on this one.

Thanks for listening. To find out more about TeleworkPH and how we can help your business scale up quicker hop on over to https://www.teleworkph.com/

Or connect with me on LinkedIn. Just search BizDev Jeff Thompson and please follow #bizdevjeff