Welcome to a new Word of Encouragement for you in 2023, Are You Dressed for War and will you open your mouth to make known the Mystery of the Gospel of The Kingdom of Heaven ?

1. Zoom Pro
2. Pixabay.org, Motion Videos
3. The Authorized King James Bible
4. Rumble Social Media Platform
5. YouTube Shorts on YouTube

1. Ephesians 6 : 10 - 20, Written by Paul, an early Voice/Evangelist of The Kingdom of Heaven and Christ Jesus

Each Video is placed on Agape Love, Love Is Here's global web site at

Also each Video's Audio is Audio Podcasted out to a Free Podcast Show which are all accessible on the front page of the web site on the left hand side of the page.

You can also follow Agape Love, Love Is Here's Global Spiritual Teaching Ministry and Pastor Deborah on several Social Media Platforms

1. YouTube Channels of
1. For Children of All Ages
2. The Light of Love
3. YouTube Shorts

and On Rumble at Agape Love's War Channel

Also you can follow Agape Love, Love is Here and Pastor Deborah on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Love Pastor Deborah