Insider Secrets - Debunking Technical Sales Myths - PART 2

We’re debunking 5 more technical sales myths! If you haven’t seen PART 1, CLICK HERE 

“YOU HAVE TO KNOW EVERYTHING TECHNICAL TO SELL” When it comes to selling, it’s all about learning about your prospect's problems and connecting them to a solution. Too often, sales techs show up and throw up a presentation showcasing all the specs of their product and service when instead, they should be learning about their prospect to make the sale. As long as you know enough, you’re good to go - anything more specific is an opportunity to get back to them with more information from your team.

“TAKE YOUR TIME ON SENDING YOUR QUOTE” That quote should be in your prospects hands ASAP. Own the sale and the situation, and gain the trust of your clients by sending them a complete and diligent quote after you’ve acquired the information and answers you need.

“I DON’T NEED TO UPDATE MY CRM SYSTEM” While it’s great to have handwritten notes, sometimes you forget a thing or two. Your CRM system serves as your central database and collection point for everything. Keep it organized and updated - it will reward you with a solid gameplay and analysis.

“I LEFT IT ALL ON A VOICEMAIL” Attention spans are short nowadays, and the age of long voicemails is long gone. Leave your two-minute voicemails with your beepers and car phones; voicemails should be no more than twenty seconds and sent with a text, an email, etc. Text messaging does better in leading toward a meeting.

“ALL LEADS ARE GOING TO COME TO ME” Get out there and start hunting. What marketing brings you is the cherry on top, the bare minimum. If you want to start living the lifestyle you want and smashing your goals, you have to put in the work and put a system in place. Subscribe to this channel and check out videos on the topic. If you are ready to take it a step further, enroll in Technical Sales University:

#technicalsales #mythsofselling #kylemilan

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