Another Monday another Q&A session where you can get your most pressing questions in industrial sales and marketing answered by Kyle Milan of MFG Tribe himself. This episode will cover topics such as what makes a great sales engineer, challenges for plastic molders, tradeshow follow-ups, and technical articles!

Can anyone become a sales engineer? Absolutely! It all depends on what sort of product you are selling. The product or service determines the market and industry you need to learn, getting into the heads of your potential clients and looking at how they want their problems solved. Having the knowledge, experience, and, more importantly, the willingness to understand your clients is far more important than any degree. There are many certain rights you can go into becoming a sales engineer depending if you are more inclined towards physical industrial manufacturing or the digital side of business like SaaS.

The biggest challenge plastic molders face is meeting your services/product to your ideal client; the bridge that connects that is your marketing strategy! Getting outside my comfort zone and into marketing and sales has always been challenging. But it’s outside of this comfort zone of the same tired email marketing method, referrals, and trade shows where some of the biggest, unrealized gains are realized. Instead, create a consistent marketing strategy where you actively post and engage with your audience on social media to build brand awareness and recognition. Unfortunately, most modern manufacturers drop the ball here, but their loss is your gain!

It’s a comprehensive strategy that we at MFG Tribe have drilled down to both an art and science. You have to make a top-down approach from social media, LinkedIn, video content, your website, blogging, and more. If you want to learn more or see how MFG Tribe can partner with you in implementing a strategy, get in touch with us.

Trade shows are always a fantastic way of meeting clients and prospects, more than most people realize. Remember that things take time to establish a relationship, and the great thing about trade shows is that you have found a personal connection with someone. You have to be strategic and patient with further developing that into a potential client and partner. Immediately after the tradeshow, you should have a list of everyone who attended and add them on LinkedIn the same day. Keep in touch with them and have that air of omnipresence, but still be courteous and respectful of their time: call them, send emails, message them on LinkedIn, send them helpful content and posts, and leave voicemails. These are all part of an effective strategy to nail in clients, and if they’re not looking to sign up now, someday in the future, they may be, and they’ll come to you as you’ve built that relationship up.

Technical articles are another form of content, like videos, that appeal to a specific demographic of potential clients who would be interested in your products and services. It’s essential to show your technical prowess and share them consistently to build your brand awareness and establish yourself as an expert and leader. It’s all about providing value in some shape or form, not just your core products or service but your knowledge. In addition, it helps to build trust and relationships with clients that can be further aligned.

#technicalwriting #tradeshowmarketing  #salesengineer  

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